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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
In this part of the tutorial we finish off the sword by painting it. |
Start by painting the whole handle section black. This includes everyting except the blade.
Once the paint dries you should sketch out the various details lightly with pencil. You can look at the picture of my sword to get an idea for how you want to do the details.
Now we are going to do a process called dry brushing. We will use silver. Get some silver paint on your brush then dab most of it off on a rag or piece of scrap paper. You can see in this picture I am dabbing off the brush. You get it so there is almost no paint on the brush.
Then lightly brush over the sword handle. This will leave small amounts of paint on the handle. Very small amounts! Like you see in the picture here. Do this for everything painted black.
Once the dry brushing is done switch over to a small brush and do detail work with plain silver.
Finish off the sword by painting the blade. You have options for this. You can paint it silver with a little blue. Or you can paint it blue with a little white like I have done here.
And that's it! Your sword is done. If you have some kind of a sealant you can seal it when the paint is dry. It will preserve it and keep the colors bright.
Blacksmithing: Forge Medieval Arrows - This style of arrow tip is called a bodkin and it was used in the middle ages and the Renaissance. They are easy to make and I show you how. Forge medieval arrows
You have probably heard the term "high carbon steel". Are interested in knowing exactly what it means? And seeing as there is high carbon steel there is of course a low carbon steel. There is even one right between the two. In this tutorial I explain to you what that all means and how it affects sword making. And of course I have a video too. Swordmaking: It's all about the steel