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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
I am currently working on this tutorial. But the template is done and right here I also have a video tutorial for this project.
Here is a look at what we make in this tutorial.
Earn a Certificate of Contribution!If you make this project email me a picture! I will email you a certificate of contribution from stormthecastle.com You can print it up and hang it on the wall.
Overview and Parts/tools for this project.There is two separate parts of this project. In the first part I take you step by step how to make the blade box. This is the complete setup for the blades and the triggering mechanism. In the second part I make a craft foam gauntlet to put it on my wrist. This second part is just a suggestion on my part. You can do this part any way you like.
Optional Gauntlet
Ok! Let's Get Started
Print up the template and trace all the parts onto foamboard or cardboard. You can do this tracing either of two ways. First, like you see in this photo, you can place the sheets on foamboard and trace over the lines of the various parts while pressing firmly. This causes an indent in the foam that you then can draw out.
Or you can cut out the various template pieces and then trace around them onto your foamboard or cardboard.
Either way you do it you end up with sixteen parts. Each part is numbered in the template. Draw these numbers on your foamboard parts. This will make it easier for you to assemble because I show you by the numbers.
Go ahead and cut out those pieces.
Will's Tips on Cutting Foam board and using smaller foam board sheets : Don't try to cut all the way through it in one swipe. Use a really sharp blade and make three passes. the first pass just cuts the top layer of paper. Second pass cuts the foam and the third pass cuts through the bottom layer of foam.
Like the Predator? I have a tutorial on how to make a latex rubber predator mask! Submitted by a web visitor. Make a Latex Predator Mask
This is the exact glue gun I use for this project. It is a high quality professional type. Amazon does have more economical ones right here: Hot Glue Guns on Amazon.com
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