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Make Senua's Blade from Hellblade - Part 5: Finishing it by adding jewels and details

In this part of the tutorial we finish the sword by adding some jewels to the tsuba and doing some detail work.


Next wrap the handle. One straight piece in the middle and two X's . I cut thin strips of leather. You can use brown cloth, string or shoelaces for this. If you don't have any of those things you can always paint these lines on the handle.

Wrap handle


Add some details with a black sharpie or marker.

Detail work


The Tsuba wrap has some nice gems on it. You can simply use green paint to paint on the gems. Or you can glue on gems if you have them. If you don't have gems I have a nice hot glue technique you can use.

Add jewels


You can create dollops of hot glue. Once they dry you can paint them. Here is an example. Apply your dollops directly to the sword. Let them dry, then paint them.

dollops of glue


Do any final detail work that you like.

Add details


The finish the sword by drawing a straight line right down the center of the blade. Use a blunted pencil and a straight edge for this.

The center line


And that's it! Your sword is done. Remember, send me a picture and I will put it on my website here: Weapons and Armor made by web visitors. And I will send you a certificate of contribution.

The sword handle


the completed sword


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