I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
or would like to
contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
or would like to
contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
Have you made one of my projects? If yes then send me a picture! I would love to post it right here on this page! Just send a picture of the project though. I like to keep it simple, no faces, people or children! Sorry! And... I get a whole lot of email so nothing to worry about if you don't hear back from me for a couple of days. It takes me a bit of time to catch up. But I love these pics and will get back to you for sure! Oh and you don't have to use your real name! I will make the certificate out to any name you want. Just let me know! Want to browse through the pictures of projects made by web visitors? Here are the other pages: (looking for your project here and it's been a while? It could be on any of these pages! Your best bet is to use your name in the Search box upper right. That should turn up the page it is on.) Page 2 - Page 3 - Page 4 - Page 5 - Page 6 - Page 7 - Page 8 - Page 9 - Page 10 - Page 11 -Page 12 - Page 13 - Page 14 - Page 15 - Page 16 - Page 17 - Page 18 - Page 19 - Page 20 - Page 21- Page 22 - Page 23 - Page 24 - Page 25 - Page 26 - Page 27 - Page 28 - Page 29 - Page 30 - Page 31 - Page 32 - Page 33 - Page 34 - Page 35 - Page 36 - Page 37 - Page 38 -Page 39 - Page 40 - Page 41 - Page 42 - Page 43 - Page 44 |
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Earn a Certificate of Contribution!If you make one of my projects email me a picture! I will email you a certificate of completion from stormthecastle.com You can print it up and hang it on the wall. My email:
Rebecca has followed my tutorials and made the chestpiece and upper arms for a St. Joan of Arc costume. This is amazing work, quite well done! My thanks go to Rebecca for sharing the picture with us!!
Aviv has followed my tutorial and made a foam sheath for his sword. It came out great! My thanks go to Aviv for sharing the picture with us.
Brandon has followed my tutorial and made a chainmail glove! Nice work here. This is a lot of work! My thanks go to Brandon for sharing the picture with us.
Weldon has followed my tutorial and made Sauron's Mace. It looks terrific! My thanks go to Weldon for sharing the picture with us. Weldon has made lots of my projects. He is a crafter!
The 10th grade Humanities students at The Mount Vernon School built my Wizard's Pendulum Clock! This is a fun and challenging project and they did a terrific job! My thanks go to them and to Krista for sharing the picture with us!!
Lesonour has followed my tutorial and made Elucidator and a sheath! It came out amazing!! My thanks go to Lesonour for sharing the picture with us.
Wendy followed my tutorial and made the Knights armor for her daughter. It came out terrific and my thanks go to Wendy for sharing the picture with us!
Jeffrey has followed many of my tutorials and made himself a complete set of knights armor with cardboard! Wow! It came out great. And he followed my tutorial to make the crazy big Death Scythe! My thanks go to Jeffrey for sharing the picture with us.
Weldon has followed my tutorial and made the Skyrim Dragonbone Dagger. It came out great! My thanks go to Weldon for sharing the picture with us!
Sabrina has followed my tutorial and made the Blades of Chaos. Good work! They look terrific and the silver is great! My thanks go to Sabrina for sharing the picture with us. Kenneth has followed my tutorial and made the viking axe. It looks amazing! My thanks go to him for sharing the picture with us.
Carter has been following my blacksmithing tutorials and he is doing great! Here is some of his work. My thanks go to him for sharing the pictures with us.
Marianne has sent me an update on her cardboard dollhouse project. It's coming along great! The house is done and next she will be doing the interior decorating!
Marianne is currently making my cardboard dollhouse project. And it is coming along simply amazing! My thanks go to Marianne for sharing the pictures with us.
Joelle has followed my tutorial for the foam armor chest plate and made this terrific armor for a youth production of Ben Hur. It came out fantastic! And my thanks go to Joelle for sharing the picture with us.
Chris has followed my tutorial and made the Magneto Helmet. It came out great! My thanks go to him for sharing the picture with us! Richard and his brother followed my tutorial and made the Kirkhammer. They took it to Tekko and it was a big hit! And it saw a lot of use! That's what a Kirkhammer is for! My thanks go to Richard and his brother for sharing the picture with us.
Kittie has followed my tutorial and made the Alita Battle sword. It came out great and she is using it as part of her cosplay outfit! Nice work. It came out great and my thanks go to Kittie for sharing the picture with us.
Weldon has followed my tutorial and made the Captain America Shield in Endgame. It came out great! My thanks go to Weldon for sharing the picture with us.
Christina has been following my tutorials and videos and has made herself a great looking Venus Flytrap terrarium. And they are thriving. Well done and it looks great! My thanks go to Christina for sharing the picture with us. Dalton has been using my foam armor tutorials to make armor, except he is using metal! Well done and good creativity! My thanks go to Dalton for sharing the picture with us.
Jeffrey has followed my foam armor making tutorials and made himself some armor. And instead of using foam he is using cardboard and tape. Well done and very creative. My thanks go to him for sharing the picture with us.
John has been having a whole lot of fun making my weapon projects and he has a particular interest in Skyrim weapons. All I can say is wow to the wall of weapons he has created!! Let's take a closer look at some of John's work. Here is a picture of his dawnbreaker. I love this project. And below it we take a closer look at some more weapons including the glass sword.
Nur Ain has built my Wizard's Orrery. And it came out terrific! My thanks go to Nur Ain for sharing the picture with us!!
Demi-Lea has followed my tutorial and made the Wizard's Orrery. It came out amazing and I really like the choice of using black foam board. It put the orrery in deep space. Well done! My thanks got to Demi-Lea and her mom Annie for sharing the picture with us.
Keri and her son have made the Roman Shield! And it came out amazing!! My thanks go to them for sharing the picture with us.
Regan and Lynette have followed my tutorials and made both the Roman Shield and the Roman Gladius! They came out amazing. And I really like the gold card they used for the ornament work on the shield. My thanks go to them for sharing the pictures with us.
Putu has followed my tutorial and made the foam vambraces. They came out terrific! I like the paint and the addition of some good looking rivets! My thanks go to Putu for sharing the picture with us.
Ben and Alexis have followed my tutorial and made the Wizard's Box. All I can say here is Wow! It is beautiful. Nice work!! My thanks go to Ben and Alexis for sharing the picture with us.
Jake followed my tutorial and made the foam gauntlets. And they came out amazing! He added some details like the spikes nd rivets! Wow, I like it!! My thanks go to Jake for sharing the picture with us!
Simon followed my blacksmithing tutorial and made himself a pineapple twist! It looks great. Well done! He has been doing a lot of metal working and has also completed another helmet. It looks amazing. That rounded work is not easy to accomplish!! My thanks go to Simon for sharing his work with us.
Elliot has made my paper castle project and it came out terrific! I like the addition of the moat! My thanks go to Elliot for sharing the picture with us! If you would like to make this paper castle the tutorial and template are right here.
Faith has downloaded my templates and followed my tutorials to make a complete set of knights armor for her grandson. And wow! It all came out amazing!!! My thanks go to Faith for sharing the pictures with us.
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