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The Harmonious Blacksmith

I was listening to my favorite classical music radio station. I have been listening to this station for decades.

It used to be an actual over the air waves radio station now it is pretty much an internet station just like everything else.

It is here if you are interested:
WCRB Boston

Well, anyway, they started playing a piece I had never heard of before. It is called "The Harmonious Blacksmith".

I was pleasantly surprised by it and even a bit tickled pink.

Doing a little research there is some interesting rumors and stories about this piece that was published by Handel in 1720. Imagine that? The piece is now 300 years old. And it is still being played. If you want to read more about the piece and it's history there is a very nice write up about it on Wikipedia here

(Image: Harmonious blacksmith in "Habit de Marêchal" by Nicolas de Larmessin II (1638–1694))


The piece was originally written for harpsichord and I am not a big fan of harpsichord so I have dug up a few other versions for you including one that I love by John Williams on the classical guitar right here:

John Williams Classical Guitar Version

And here is a nice modern harpsichord version: