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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
or would like to
contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
Over the years I have used various easy electronic supplies and parts to spice up my projects. Here are some of them. Each comes with a step by step explanation of the creativity of it and how to easily do something like this - Some of the things are adding lights, adding blinking lights, adding sounds, voice, and even small motors and servos to make things move and turn.
How to easily add sounds or music to your projects. I added music to my cardboard castle project. it's easy to do. I show you how. And it can be any music or sounds that you want. I added sound to my cardboard castle project. It took me a year to build the castle. But it didn't take me very long at all to add music!
Tutorial: How to easily add LED lights to your project. These little lights are very easy to use and they really add pizzazz to a project.
Lights, servos, motors, and music in World's Greatest Cardboard Castle - This is an amazing project with a whole host of interesting electrical and electronic stuff in it. I show you it all and how to do something like this.
Adding an LED to a 3d printed miniature cauldron. It's easy to do but you have to know one important thing or the LED will burn out.
Firefly Diorama - Using a 555 Timer to make flashing lights. Talking Pinata - We make a paper mache dog pinata and we add speech to it cheaply and easily with a little device. Castle in a lightbulb with a little magnetized light - we use a clever little technique for activating a light through the glass of a lightbulb - a magnet does the trick. The Medieval Village - This is a multi electronic project. One section is for all the lights in the various houses and one section is to power the water wheel. How to Automate a Diorama - In this tutorial we add a small motor to the drawbridge of a castle (Drawbridge goes up and down) Dragons head goes forward and backward Using the Parts from a CD player to automate the dragons head in the Fantasy Wall Diorama
The Cardboard Box Aquarium This is a simple project that uses a string of LED lights just as in a real fish tank. Project absolutely tickles me pink!! I love this little aquarium. It is fun to look at and it was a whole lot of fun to make. You can make one too. How to make the Cardboard Box Aquarium
Make a Light Box A light box is a wonderful little thing. You can use it for tracing, drawing, and even reading x-rays. But they are very expensive to purchase. I have a nice tutorial here that shows you how to make a great one very cheap. It uses a string of LED's as the light source. How to make a light box
New: Make a Hot Wire Foam Cutter It is an easy unit to build and it is dual purpose. You can use it as a hand-held unit and as a table-top unit. How to make a hot wire foam cutter.
Swords with Lights and LED's
Make a Witcher 3 Sword with Glowing Runes I This is an interesting and unique project where we make a sword with glowing runes. We use a string a LED's that cost seven dollars. Easy and fun and of course I give you the template. If you are a Witcher fan this is the project for you. Make a Witcher sword with Glowing Runes
Skyrim Dawnbreaker This is a tutorial on how to make the Dawnbreaker sword from Skyrim. I also add a light. And I have the template you can download. Make Dawnbreaker from Skyrim
Make Percy Jackson's Riptide Fun foamboard project and I show you how to make it without or with LED's for light in the Trident! Make Percy Jackson's Riptide
The Electric Mace This is another fun automatic weapon project. With this one the head of the mace has spikes that go in and out. Good thing that knights from the past didn't have double A batteries :) Learn more about The Electric Mace
The Lazy Man's Sword! With this sword you can eat a sandwich and battle a dragon at the same time. Yup! No more Arm fatigue when you wield this sword! Check it out here: The Lazy Man's Sword