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How to Sculpt Miniatures - Sculpt a Gegenhound and a Raver

I have two sculpting miniatures tutorials here. They go together well for a couple of different reasons. First you can get a look at how to sculpt a four legged creature and a two legged humanoid.

And, these two figures are characters from my novel "The Left Handed Sword". So, it's kind of cool to bring a chacter to life by sculpting it. If you are a writer you might want to give this a try. It's pretty neat to have a character from my novel as a small piece to keep on my desk.


Here are the two completed sculptures.

Raver and Gegenhound


Let's first take a look at how I sculpted the miniature Gegenhound.


The Wire armature

As always we start out with a wire frame. I used 16 gauge solid wire and twisted it in pairs to form the basic shape of the gegenhound. Once I had it shaped the way I wanted it I soldered it in a couple of places to keep it strong and keep it from coming apart.

This stage is important for a couple of different reasons. First, it will hold the clay in the right shape. It's like the bones in your body. Without them you would fall to the ground like jelly!

Secondly it is important because it forms the gesture that you are looking for with your miniature. Notice how one leg is raised. You should spend some time with the wire armature and get it into the gesture you are looking for.


The Gegenhound

Next we add bulk amounts of clay to the wire armature. We are just looking to fill it in and get the basic shapes and the basic musculature about right.



the Gegenhound

Next we break out the tools and start actually sculpting away at the shape of the hound. I will often look at pictures of similar creatures to get a sense of the shape and musculature of the work.

You can see that the muscles are taking shape and I am starting to work on some of the details like the eyes and mouth.


the Gegenhound

And of course, being a sculpture, you have to work all the way around the figure.


the Gegenhound

Now it's time to start doing the detail work. I have also added the last piece to this (the tail). I work on the face, eyes, teeth and the texture of the hound's body.


The Gegenhound

From here all that remains is to paint the miniature. Once that is done be sure to spray it with some kind of sealer.



Okay, Now let's take a look at how the Raver was sculpted.

The wire armature

Just as with the gegenhound we have to make our wire armature first. Solder it and tinker with the pose. The raver is leaning back and screaming into the air. The raver is of course raving and riddled with angst. So, its a lot of fun to achieve that through the pose of the figure.



The clay is added

Next we add clay to the wire armature to flesh it out. Just shoot to get the approximate body shape.



NextOk, let's continue on with the tutorial by adding clothes and finishing off the Raver.


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