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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
or would like to
contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
I love paper projects. There is a beauty to paper that we take for granted. But it is quite amazing. And there is so much creative potential with it. So, here are a whole lot of projects you can make with some paper, a few tools like glue and scissors, and a bit of creativity! Have fun! |
I have a whole bunch of amazing stuff here for you including small paper projects, origami, paper scene boxes, paper castles and even how to make paper!! Let's Make Something!! Will's Tips on tools and products for working with paper! I have a list and insights into the various tools and adhesives I use when doing paper projects. You might gain some help insights from this. Check it out right here: Will's Tips on tools and products for paper crafting
How to design and make your own paper cathedral, church, or castle, based on a real one!
Will's favorite Paper Crafting Tools I have a selection of my favorite crafting tools to show you. I tell you why they are great and you see them in action while I make a little paper scene box of a famous Rembrandt painting. Check out the youtube video without leaving my website here: Will's Favorite paper crafting tools Here is the paper project that we make in the video:
Make this scene box based on a famous painting. The painting is "The Accolade" and the scene box has a sword that really moves: The Accolade scene box.
Will's latest paper project is now available It is a copy of the Knight's templar castle in Spain. It was inspired by Will's visit there. Download it, print it up, put it together. (Available both on etsy and Patreon) See pics and read more about it here: The Paper Knights Templar Castle
I have a complete packet for you. You can download it, print it up and put it together. And I have two versions in the packet, a plain white version you can color yourself; and a colorized version. This project was inspired by visit to this amazing gothic cathedral in Leon Spain. Make a paper Leon Cathedral
It's a "tesseract" and it is a 3 dimensional shadow of a 4 dimensional object And you can make it out of paper. I give you the template and full instructions including a youtube video you can watch. check it out here: Make a Tesseract Creative amazing with a simple paper box Will's latest video is posted on his youtube channel. This is an amazing look at creativity with a simple paper box. Watch the video on youtube right here. (Opens a new tab in your browser)
Make a Paper Castle This is a fun project - I give you all the drawings and plans you need to make this castle thats ready for painting. Print up the packet and glue the pieces to stiff paper or cereal box cardboard. - Make a castle
Don't plant pumpkins in a cemetary!
I been putting this project off for a long time because I thought it would be challenging. Wow I was wrong. Paper making is so easy to do! And it comes out great. I love this and you are going to love it too! The possibilities are endless for scrolls, origami, fine writing and so much more. How to Make Paper
Fun and easy little project and I have already received a bunch of pictures from people who have made these! How to make a medieval scroll
I show you how to make this scene box from a lost Vincent Van Gogh Painting. And I give you the template. Print it up and put it together. The Lost Van Gogh Scene Box
A chamber of wonders was a 17th century Flemish thing. People would collect up wonders from around the world and display them. I visited one, and have pictures and a video. And, turned it into a paper diorama project. You can download it, print it, and make it here: Make a Chamber of Wonders
Make an 18th century diorama also known as a paper theater In the Eighteenth century this type of layered diorama was all the rage. It is composed of six layers to give the perception of depth. I spotted one in a museum and decided to make one. But... rather than making the scene of an 18th century garden I decided to use photographs from my travels to make the Biltmore gardens from the famous Biltmore Castle. Make an 18th century diorama.
Make a Rapunzel Paper Diorama (Tatebanko) Here is an easy scene from the Grimm fairy tale Rapunzel that you can make. I give you everything in the template. You print it up and put it together. Make a Rapunzel Paper Diorama
I have the first version of this castle done. It is an eight page pdf which includes the base sheet that you assemble it on. There are not yet any instructions to go with it. But you should be able to put it together relatively easily. I recommend you print it up onto some kind of index card or card stock. 90 pound paper is the best. Download it here: Merry Mead Castle Paper booklet
Will's Newest Paper Castle kit: Woodforde Castle - Fun and easy paper castle kit. Complete pdf with all the parts and instructions on how to make it. Free paper Castle Kit
How to Make Tracing Paper It's very easy to do. If you need tracing paper but don't have any then you can make some from regular printer paper. And it is useful for many projects other than tracing. Projects like my shadow theater, lightbox and camera obscura. How to Make Tracing Paper.
Kingdom The Paper Game Fun little paper game that you can download, print up and play. The King has been assassinated. Are you smart enough to save the Kingdom? One of ten paper games that I have. Check it out here: Kingdom - The Paper Game
Wouldn't it be great to make a very big sheet of paper? I made one for a fantasy map I am working on. I show you how to do it right here: Make a Big Sheet of home made paper
How to Make Paper from Corn Corn husk is very fibrous and that is great for paper. I show you how to use corn husks to make paper.
How to age paper! Need some paper for a scroll, parchment or something medieval? But don't want to make the paper from scratch? You can take existing paper and treat it to look old. I have that tutorial right here: How to make aged medieval paper.
Tatebanko Astronomer - Make an easy stop motion animation paper diorama This is a fun little animation project that uses the ancient japanese art of paper dioramas (tatebanko)- yet moves. I show you how. The Tatebanko Astronomer.
Adventure Time Tatebanko Here's a tatebanko that's exciting and full of adventure. Based upon the television show adventure time we have made a tatebanko that is fun and exciting to create. This is a great project for the whole family. Adventure Time Tatebanko
I have a more challenging Paper Castle. It is the famous Neuschwanstein Castle. If you are looking for a more dramatic castle this project is for you. The Neuschwanstein Paper Castle Project
Egyptian Tatebanko Egyptian Tatebanko: This is a nice tatebanko project in Egypt. It shows the sphinx and the pyramids and it has a little caravan of camels walking across the desert. Egyptian Tatebanko
Halloween Tatebanko Tatebanko Halloween This is an easy and fun to make tatebanko project of a cemetary. Nice halloween project. It is a pdf that you can download print up and put together. And you can add your own halloween stuff to it like skeletons, ghosts etc. The Halloween Tatebanko
The Black Dragon paper Castle- This is my latest paper castle project and currently the castle is completed but the tutorial is not. You can check on the progress of this project here: The Black Dragon Paper Castle