More Terrarium Projects

Making a frog terrarium
This is a professionally made frog terrarium and it gives you some great tips on how to make one. How to form the landscape, what materials to use and more. The 80 gallon Frog terrarium with landscape and fogger

Make an Air Plant Terrarium
Want an easy to maintain yet attractive terrarium? Or maybe you are new to terrariums and want to start out with something simple? An Air Plant terrarium is all of these things. Attractive and easy to care for. Check out more here.

The "Brave" Terrarium
This cloche terrarium depicts a scene from the movie "Brave". Fun little terrarium and it even has a series of blue lights that are the wisps. The Brave Terrarium

Make a Jewelry Box Terrarium
Fun project for kids. Use a plastic container, some costume jewels and moss. Attractive and easy to make. The Jewelry Box terrarium

Rochelle's terrariums
- You have got to check out these big and beautiful terrariums: Rochelle's Terrariums

Ingeborg's Bottle Gardens
She has made a series of wonderful little terrariums and you can check them out here: Ingeborg's Terrariums

Charlee's Terrariums
Here are a few terrariums made by Charlee including some wonderful air plant terrariums. Check them out here.

Roberta's themed terrariums
Some Containers from Ikea, a few materials and some neat little accents and you have a great looking terrarium. Check out the pictures here. (They include a jeep in rough terrain terrarium)

Make a Christmas Terrarium
Adorable little terrarium. There is a little house in there and through the window you can see a christmas tree. Fun and great little terrarium. Make a Christmas Terrarium

Michelle's Terrariums and Vivariums
Michelle has sent in a bunch of pictures of her terrariums and Vivariums. These include vivariums for geckos and frogs. Some fun stuff and some wonderful terrariums. You can check it all out right here She also gives us some great tips on making vivariums and shows us the materials to use.

Ali's Terrariums
Ali is a terraruim maker at a garden center and he sent in some pics of a couple of terrariums that he has made. You can check them out here: Ali's terrariums

The Lost Terrarium
This terrarium has a figure from the TV Show "Lost" in it. Its a great idea and you can make themed terrarium for just about anything. Learn more here

Simplicity and beauty in a terrarium
A simple and elegant terrarium is a great way for you to start out. You can keep it simple, choose a nice container and a few plants ... and end up with something beautiful. That's what Maya did with her first terrarium. See more pics of this terrarium and read how she made it. The simple and beautiful terrarium

The Professional Vivarium!
Have you ever seen a terrarium or vivarium at a museum or Exotic Animal Museum? Want to know how they are made? Here is information and a series of pictures submitted by the Curator of an exotic animal museum. He tells us how he makes them. Oak Tree Village Vivariums

The forgotten terrarium!
One of the wonderful things about a terrarium is the fact that if you set it up right you might not have to do much to it over the long term. They often will take care of themselves! This is a terrarium that was made and forgotten about for two years! And wow, it is definitely healthy and happy :) The Forgotten Terrarium

New: 55 gallon treefrog terrarium/vivarium with stream and pond:
This terrarium includes a pump that feeds a stream and pond! Nice project submitted by a web visitor including pictures and information on how he made it. The big treefrog terrarium with stream

Attractive terrariums in every day glass containers
If you want to make an easy terrarium in a glass container you could use sand, succulents or cactus. They are easy to make and maintain, and they look great. Here are some pictures of this type of terrarium that were submitted by a web visitor (Ginger S.) made by Badia who submits regularly to this site. The biggest challenge about a small terrarium like this is keeping it clean! Terrariums in Mugs, Glasses and Pitchers

A very tiny terrarium
This was made by Badia who submits regularly to this site. The biggest challenge about a small terrarium like this is keeping it clean! See more pictures here

Refrigerator Magnet Terrarium
Here is a neat little ten minute project submitted by a web visitor (Shelley). It is a little terrarium in a spice bottle and with a magnet on the back so you can stick it to the refrigerator. The Fridge Magnet Terrarium

Here are some fantastic terrariums made by a guest artist (Thyrza). You can get some great ideas from these terrariums. They show remarkable artistic talent in choice of container, choice and arrangement of plants and in creating small accessories from polymer clay - Thyrza's terrariums - Polymer clay is a wonderful way to create some fantastic scenes and accessories in terrariums.

Here is another great project submitted by a web visitor and based on my lightbulb tutorial. It is a desert themed terrarium inside a lightbulb. See a larger picture and get some tips on how to do this here: The desert themed lightbulb terrarium

Looking for an easy to make, small and beautiful Christmas Holiday Gift? How about something like these beautiful Merry Christmas Terrariums submitted by a web visitor (Badia A.) Christmas holiday terrariums

Here is a great idea for a unique terrarium: A terrarium inside a lightbulb! Its an easy project and a real conversation piece. See a larger picture and my tutorial on how to safely hollow out a lightbulb here: The terrarium inside a lightbulb project

I have started a new project using some of the smallest flowers in the world. They are Micro Mini Sinningia and the picture on the left shows one with a penny. I have a whole bunch of these flowering plants in a variety of species. I am going to use them to make a variety of very small terrariums. It is going to be a real fun project and if you are interested you should check back soon. Here is the page where I have begun the process with these plants and the terrariums. Terrariums with Micro Mini Sinningia

The Upside Down Terrarium
This is a unique little terraium that looks great. It took a few different techniques before I figure out how to do this right without having soil alll over the sides of the glass. learn more here

Here is a stunningly beautiful Wine Glass terrarium. These were made as gifts for a bridal shower. They came out great and I have lots of pictures and instructions on how to do this. Not hard to do and relatively easy but oh so nice. They make a perfect gift for many occasions. Wine Glass Terrarium

A Conch Shell Terrarium - This is another relatively easy project to do and it very much hits the mark that I always talk about. Using creative containers to make a beatiful and unique terrarium. All you need a shell and a couple of plants - The Conch Shell Terrarium

The Bearded Dragon Massive Terrarium
A web (J. Evan Cohen) visitor used my ultimate terrarium project to make himself a nice little home for his bearded dragon terrarium. Here are more pictures of his terrarium and here is the original project where I show you how to make the home for critters and add a waterfall to your terrarium. (My Thanks for the great pics J!) He says his bearded dragons love it!

Creative Ideas on Terrarium Backgrounds. Here are some resources to backgrounds you can purchase and some ideas on how to make some creative backgrounds out of posters. You can find a poster that will perfectly accent the theme of your terrarium.
How about making a Carnivorous terrarium? There are some great books and terrarium kits available cheap at you can even order venus fly traps, pitcher plants or other types of meat eating plants! Check out the carnivorous terrariums and plants

Want to make a tiny terrarium? Here is a project inside a Tabasco Bottle. It's pretty easy but there are a few things you need to do for this to be a success. Check out the Tabasco Bottle terrarium here