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Terrarium FAQ (frequently asked questions)

On this page I have answers to some of the more common terrarium questions.



  • What is a terrarium? Bit of an open question but a good answer would be that it is a collection of plants in some kind of a container. If it were a terrarium in the purest form the container is completely closed making it a closed system.
  • How long can a terrarium last? - Technically a terrarium can last for many years if it is balanced with the right amount of soil, water and sunlight. Some examples of closed terrariums have lasted for decades.
  • Is it difficult to care for a terrarium? No, if you get the right balance it will need no care, or very very little - for closed terrariums. Open terrariums will generally need regular watering because the open ness of them allows the moisture to evaporate.
  • Can I put animals, rodents, lizards or other types of critters in a terrarium? technically once you add a critter to a terrarium it becomes a vivarium. This is because the most important thing is the health and safety of the living creature. Plant selection, water, soil, stones, sunlight and everything else should be carefullly selected for the health of the animal.
  • Who invented the terrarium? A man called Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward. He first published about it in 1842. I have an article about him here: The history of the terrarium.
  • Can you make a terrarium? You sure can. I have all the tutorials right here on this website.
  • Do I have to put charcoal in the terrarium? It is difficult to get! No. the charcoal is optional. It purifies the water as it recycles in the contanier and is good but not mandatory.
  • Will the activated charcoal in my terrarium eventually be depleted and have to be replaced? Technically this could happen but it is nothing to worry about. By the time it is depleted, if it ever gets depleted your terrarium will be exceptionally purified.
  • My terrarium is getting moldy. What should I do? Typically mold is a function of over watering. Uncover or uncork the terrarium for a day or two and monitor it. This should dry it out a bit. If this doesn't work you may have to start over, or as a minimu try to scrape out and remove as much mold as possible along with drying it out.


Premium Kit for Small Terrarium (Succulent, Cactus, and Fairy Garden)

Perfect kit for a first time terrarium gardener or to give as a gift. Provides the exact amount of the specific "ingredients" necessary to build a thriving small terrarium. Will work for closed terrariums, open terrariums, fairy gardens, as well as with succulents and cactii. Kit includes terrarium potting soil, activated charcoal, two different sizes of semi-polished river rocks, shag moss, and complete but easy to follow step-by-step instructions. The ingredients supplied are in the following approximate amounts: 9 oz. soil; 8 oz. small river rocks; 8 oz. larger river rocks; 1 oz. activated charcoal; 1 oz. sheet moss. Great for anyone wanting to set up a terrarium without having to go and find all the different pieces separately. Please note that the kit does NOT include a container or plants. Please also note that this kit is for a SMALL terrarium. We recommend using a mason jar if you are making a closed terrarium or a container with a 4 - 6" diameter if you are making a succulent or cactus terrarium.



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