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Terrarium Ideas

This whole section of my website is all about terrarium ideas! I literally have hundreds of great terrariums that you can make.

But, I thought I should have a page like this where you could just look over quick thumbnails and descriptions of a whole lot of different terrarium ideas.

Have fun and if you make a terrarium be sure to send me a pic!


  • An Airplant Terrarium - A very easy terrarium to make and very easy to care for.
  • Terrarium in a soda bottle - Classroom standard! plastic 2 liter bottle is all you need.
  • Carnivorous terrarium (Venus Fly Trap or Pitcher Plants)
  • Reptile or critter terrarium - It is a very fun terrarium to make but you must always consider the critter first. That is the most important thing. They can eat the plants or get sick on them.
  • Colored Sand Terrarium - You do put soil in the container but you can also put layers of colored sand.
  • Wardian Case style terrarium - This gives an Old English feel to your terraruim
  • Desert themed Terrarium- You can come up with all kinds of themes for a terrarium. A desert theme is easy because the plants tend to be very hardy and long lived.


Some Things to think about, this will help you come up with ideas for a terrarium.

-Number of Plants: There are a few different things we can vary when making a terrarium. The first thing is the type and number of plants. A single plant terrarium can be very attractive and I call this a Zen terrarium. From there the number of plants can go up to fill any sized container.

-Types of Plants: And we have a stunningly wide variety of types of plants that we can use. These vary from carnivorous to succulents and airplants. How about flowering plants? You can just go for beauty or you can stick with a theme like a jungle theme or a desert theme.

- The Container: This is also a place where you can have a lot of fun. Just about any glass container can be a terrarium. Believe me when I say I have tried it. I even made a single plant terrarium inside a tabasco bottle! That tutorial is around here somewhere :) Flat containers, Wine Glasses (I have a tutorial on that too), Fish tanks, Even hanging globes. Wine glasses and how about a conch shell? These are all things that are terrariums. I have all the tutorials right here on my website! Yup. Have fun! Send me a pic.

- The Accents: You can add all kinds of interesting a fun little things to your terrarium to make it special. I have one here on my site that was made by a fan of the TV series LOST. It has a figurine of one of the characters in it. That is just one example. I have a whole page of terrarium accents right here. It will give you some ideas.


Here are a whole lot of ideas: And These are all tutorials for you to follow along


A terrarium inside another terrarium

A terrarium in a terrarium

We put together this fun little terrarium. It has moss, plants, and even origami butterflies. And one terrarium right inside the other. Fun and easy. I show you step by step. How to make a terrarium inside a terrarium


A hobbit terrarium

Make a Hobbit Terrarium

This is a fun little terrarium with Bag End of the Shire. I even have a tutorial on how to make the little hobbit hole. Make a Hobbit Terrarium


A light bulb terrarium

Make a Light Bulb Terrarium

Fun little project inside a household lightbulb. I show you how to open up the bulb and we use some amazing little lichen inside including pixie cups.

Make a light bulb terrarium


Tiny glass bottle terrariums

Tiny Glass Bottle Terrariums

Here are some tiny little terrariums made in tiny jars. They can even be hung on a necklace. Tutorial right here: Make tiny glass bottle terrariums


Sand Terrarium

Make a Sand Terrarium ?

You might remember making sand sculptures in glass containers. A web visitor has taken this technique and created a terrarium out of it. You can use the sand to accentuate the beauty of the plants in the terrarium. See a bigger picture and read more about it here. Colored Sand Terrariums


A moss terrarium

Moss Terrariums!

Moss terrariums are wonderful in their simplicity and beauty. And you can often make one without spending a penny. Just collect up the moss from the outdoors. Add some small accents and they become a beautiful little world. I have some pictures here and a link to my tutorial on making them. Moss terrariums.

If you never made a terrarium this is a great place to start because it is easy and attractive.


A necklace terrarium

The Necklace Terrarium!

Here is a fun little project submitted by a web visitor. It uses tiny little bottles for charms or apothecary. Fun little project and you can wear it as a necklace. Amazon sells all kinds of these little bottles. They are a lot of fun. This particular bottle comes with the cork and eye screw. Make a Necklace Terrarium


An artistic terrarium

Making a more artistic terrrarium

Terrariums used to be all about creating a small eco-system. This has changed in the past couple of years. Terrariums are now works of living art unto themselves. I have some tips for making a terrarium that is more artistic: Making an artistic terrarium


A moss terrarium

A Moss Terrarium
I have just started working on some Moss terrariums and I have some thoughts, pictures and informatio on them. terrarium is attractive, fun to make and very hardy. Here is a complete tutorial on how to make one. Moss Terrariums


A desert terrarium

A Desert Themed Terrarium
This kind of terrarium is attractive, fun to make and very hardy. Here is a complete tutorial on how to make one.
A Desert Terrarium



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