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Here are more terrarium pictures by web visitors.



Here is a beautiful terrarium made by Diana. Somebody gave her a used terrarium and this is what she did with it! My thanks go to her for sharing the picture with us.


Here are pictures of terrariums made by Terry. There is a wondurful sensibility and feel for color with these terrariums. My thanks to Terry for sharing these with us.


Here are some pictures of two terrariums made by Madison. She made some great choices here. The globe that is like a fish bowl is great for terrariums because it keeps some humidity in but the terrarium will still get air circulation. And succulents are a great choice because they are very hardy. In the third picture you can see that a toy tiger has snuck into the terrarium! My thanks to Madison for sending in the pics!





Here are some pictures of terrariums made by Miriam. My thanks to her for sending in the pics! She has chosen a wonderful selection of containers and I particularly love the cube with the wooden edges! That's a cubic photo frame! She says that she made these terrariums for around 30 dollars and she still has mateirals left over. The containers were all bought at a thrift store and they cost only six dollars for the four!





Here are four more terrariums made by Miriam. She is really having a lot of fun finding creative containers! My thanks go to her for sending in the pics!






Miniature terrarium


And here is a Necklace terrrarium made by Lynda. I have a tutorial on how to make this and where to buy the little bottle right here: Make a necklace terrarium
















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