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Make an 18th Century Diorama Part 3


Next measure and cut our six pieces that are 5" x 7" . These aren't on foamboard they are on some kind of heavy stock paper. Posterboard is perfect for this. Or you can use manila folder paper or even cereal box cardboard.


You want to use a material that is thicker and stiffer than regular paper.


And test the six sheets. See if they slide in and out of the slots reasonably well. Make any adjustments that are needed. And notice in this picture I also have inserted a piece of glass. I ended up not using it for the final version but I have designed this whole thing to fit standard 5x7 picture frame glass. So, you could use one for the front or six of them if you wanted.

Next cut out the front frame. That is 3/4" all the way around.

Now you have those six sheets of poster board and you can draw or paint your own custom scenes on them. Or you can print up pictures and glue them to these sheets. You can also make the same scene that I did by using my pictures of the gardens around Biltmore Castle. You can download those pictures right here

So here I have made the first sheet. I cut out a column from one of the pictures and glued it to an insert. Then cut out much of the rest of the insert. The cut out is important because it is how you will see the other layers in the diorama.


Here you can see how it works. I am inserting this first frame into the front slot of the box.

Let's repeat this process with the remaining frames. Here is the second frame.

And the third frame.


And here we go. I have completed and inserted the six frames. They are numbered so you can see how I did them. The 5th one is Biltmore castle and the 6th one is a full sheet with nothing cut out. It depicts a cloudy sky. It makes a nice background.


You can see how this little project has a lot of potential. The layering effect is very interesting to look at and you can design it in any number of ways.

I also added some picture to the front frame. Marked with X's so you can see it.



Finish it off by gluing that front frame on then gluing the top on.


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Certificate of contribution

If you make this project email me a picture! I will email you a certificate of completion from stormthecastle.com You can print it up and hang it on the wall.

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