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Stephens Action Figure Dioramas

Stephen makes unique dioramas. They are typically larger than your average diorama and scaled for action figures.

Have you ever wanted to make a diorama for your action figures? Here are some great examples with tips on how to do it using common materials and improvised props.


The Small Apartment Diorama

This is an excellent little diorama that makes use of some props bought at the dollar store. See More pics here: Small Apartment Diorama


The Tall Apartment Diorama

This is a detailed two story diorama with some great detail including a removable staircase and an AC unit on the roof. One of the particularly notable things about this diorama is the amazing brickwork and detail work on the outside. See more pics here: The Tall Apartment Building Diorama


Godzilla City Diorama

This is a very detailed diorama with a nice variety of hand made buildings that make up the city scape where Godzilla is running amuck. Check out more here: Godzilla City Diorama


The Sewer Diorama

This one is Will's Favorite. It depicts a simple sewer scene but there is a lot of great detail, a terrific paint job and a good use of improvised materials. Check out more pics here: The Sewer Diorama


The IronMan Diorama

Action Figure Diorama

An Action figure Diorama (IronMan) Create a diorama for your action figures! The IronMan Diorama


Some more of Stephen's Dioramas:




Silent Hill




The Deadpool Bar Diorama

Here Stephen tells us what materials he used to make this diorama:

  • Insulation foam board
  • Craft sticks for the pallets glued to proper layout
  • Straws for pipes
  • Printed fliers and signs
  • Gargabe bags made from black plastic bag filled with Cotton and pebbles for weight tied off with thread
  • Deadpool figure made by me


The Gohan Diorama


Dragonball Z