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Ancient Roman Dioramas

Here are a whole series of dioramas depicting scenes from Ancient rome.


Roman Bath House Diorama

Roman Bath House Diorama

This is a nice little tutorial made by Lawrence. Check it out here


Road and Ruined Temple

Road and Ruined Temple

wonderful little diorama with an autumn theme and a pool with a fresco at the bottom. And of course it has the wonderful bricks that Charles makes. The Road and Ruined Temple Diorama

Roman bath

A ruined Roman Bath

Here is another diorama made and submitted by Charles B. It is of a Roman Bath and it is unique in several ways including the hand made bricks and the unique round shape of the diorama. You can see more pictures and learn about it here: Roman Bath Diorama

Roman building and street diorama

A ruined Roman building and street

This is beautiful and very realistic looking diorama that was made and submitted by a web visitor (Charles B.) He based this on his travel to Rome and his observations of buildings and streets in Rome and Pompeii. He also has a terrific tutorial for making realistic looking miniature bricks. Diorama of a ruined Roman Building and street


Roman Gates

Roman Gates

Charles is the master of making brick and stone work and he is currently working on a new project called "The Roman Gates" I have pictures of the progress so far right here


Roman temple with pool diorama

Roman temple with pool diorama

- Here is another excellent diorama made by Charles. This one also has a lily pond! Check it out here.


A Roman Coliseum Battle Diorama

A Roman Coliseum Battle Diorama

Terrific little diorama with some good action! The Roman Coliseum with gladiators


Escaped Gladiators

Escaped Gladiators

Nice little diorama. Includes a road, a brick wall and a swampy area. The Escaped Gladiators Diorama