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The Irish Spring Diorama Part 3

In this part of the tutorial we make the fairy ring. And I show you two different techniques for making the mushrooms.


The first technique I did was to carve a few mushrooms out of toothpicks. I didn't paint them but if you do this you can paint them.

Carved toothpick mushroom


I also used a pair of needle nose pliers to twist thin wire into mushroom shapes. It's just the head of the mushroom that is twisted.

Wire Mushroom


So, I made a bunch of these mushrooms and glued them into the clay of the diorama.


Installing a mushroom


The fairy ring


Let's add the leaves on the tree.


I cut tiny leaves out of various shades of green construction paper. Then applied small dabs of tacky glue to the tree. I like 3-in-1 glue for this. It has good holding power while it is still wet.

Apply a tacky glue


Apply leaves


Next Let's continue and do some standard terrain textures on the diorama (Grass and Bushes)


Beacon 3-In-1 Advanced Craft Glue, 4-Ounce