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Make an Egyptian Diorama Part 2


This is part 2 of the how to make an Egyptian diorama tutorial. If you came to this page directly from a search engine you can start out the tutorial at part 1 here: How to make an Egyptian diorama


Place the parts

I have remade the pyramids out of cardboard and roughly placed them on the surface. I have also cut holes for the oasis and the sphinx structure.


The cardboard pyramids

I have now coated the whole diorama, except for the pyramids with celluclay. This is optional but I think it will make a better looking sand scene. You can mix the celluclay so it is very smooth.


Adding celluclay

Use the celluclay to fill in gaps. Make the pyramids straight. You don't need celluclay to do this though. It is optional. You can cut the pyramids so they sit straight, you can cut the plaster shell or just use some kind of other material like clay.


Sculpt the pyramids

I coated the pyramids in celluclay and used a knife to give them some nice texture.


Painting it

Now we do some of the preliminary base painting. This is done in simple raw colors. The majority of it is sand colored. I am going to glue sand onto the diorama but this base color will fill in the patches of sand and make it look much better. After you are done with most of the diorama you can do additional detail painting.


Glue the sand

Now let's glue the sand onto the diorama. You do this by mixing regular white glue with an equal portion of water and then brushing it onto the surface of the diorama. Then sprinkle the sand on.


NextContinue on with the tutorial


Will in Egypt

A Trip to Egypt

A whole lot of fun and a grand adventure. Here is some info with pics about Egypt, the pyramids, sphinx, museums and more. Egypt


Storm The Castle Diorama

Storm The Castle Diorama (Besieged)

The Storm The Castle Diorama is coming along nicely and the besieged castle is taking shape. This is a massive eight foot diorama. Check it out and learn how to make something like this right here. I have been working on it for a year!