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Storm The Castle Diorama Part 5c: moss on the walls and buildings

In this part of the tutorial we do some of the major detail work. Hmmm.... "Major detail work"? Sounds like a bit of an oxymoron.

What we do is add moss, clinging vines and flowers to certain parts. The critical thing here is that we will shortly be securing those buildings in place and it will be hard to reach some of them. So... we want to have most of the work done while the buildings are out.


growing moss on tower

So, in different spots we added moss.


vines and flowers on building

And we added clinging vines and flowers :)


Add glue lines

We made the vine moss by running lines of white glue. It will dry clear.


Add texture

Then sprinkling on texture of various consistencies. Both thick and thin.


Add thicker texture

The thicker texture goes near the bottom. This gives a more natural look. And it also tends to cling around the doorway stones as it naturally would. Almost as if it were able to get a bit of a grip around the edges of those doorway stones.

add some red for flowers

Finally a smattering of red finishes off the effect. It makes it look a little like a bit of flower blossoming.


Tiny flowers

The flowers and vines are sphagnum moss and tiny cut out flowers that we made. Then they are carefully glued to the buildings.


Flower making

The tiny flowers are actually circles cut out of colored paper with a hole punch. Then they are scrunched and glued together.

Ok! That's it for this installment. Continue on to the next step (Part 6)



The Medieval Village Series

I have just begun work on a medieval village. This is going to be quite an amazing diorama. I have a main page for that whole project and have completed the first tutorial in that series called How tto Make a Medieval Peasant's House . Go to the medieval village page


How to Make a Styrofoam Diorama

How to Make a Diorama out of styrofoam - A beautiful diorama submitted by a web visitor. She tells us her tips and techniques for making a diorama out of styrofoam.