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Storm The Castle Diorama Part 7c : The Moat, Water Effects continued

In this part of the tutorial we carve and paint the banks of the moat and we paint the water!

Part 1 (The beginning) of this tutorial is right here


Hot wire on the stones

In this part of the tutorial I carve the banks of the moat. For the most part I make rock shapes. And here are the tools that I use. Carving foam is very easy and you can use a wide variety of tools for this including a hot wire foam cutter, knife, x-acto knife, utility knife, hack saw blade, rasps and files.


Carving the stones of the bank

I simply had a lot of fun carving rock shapes along the banks of the moat.

Painting the stones

Once the stones are carved we can paint them. Start out by covering them all with a coat of gray paint.


Painting the stones

Then I painted black into the cracks.


Highlighting the stone

Then I added white highlights to the higher areas of the stones.

There you go! The banks are painted and they look great.

The moat is installed


NextOkay! Let's continue on to the part you have been waiting for! Painting the water (Part 7d)