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I have a youtube channel with over 700 Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
or would like to
contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
Here is a look at what comes inside the package.
And here is a look at exactly what you end up with. The big rocket (AMAZON) is two and a half feet in height. The smaller rocket (Crossfire) is sixteen inches in height. Also shown is the launching pad, the Launch Controller, and the rocketeer manual. The two rockets give you a bit of variety in building because the crossfire is a traditional wood and cardboard style with wooden fins and cardboard engine mount. The Amazon is a newer style rocket with plastic fins and engine mount. So there is a nice little variety that you get when making them.. Additional Rocket Materials you need to get
Okay, we have all out materials let's Make these rockets! The first thing to do is assemble the Launch Pad. Pretty easy and you just have to follow the directions that come with it. If you need help I have a a video right here for you.
Now let's assemble the Amazon Rocket - I have a guideline tutorial with pictures that shows you how to assemble the Amazon Rocket Here |