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The Hobbit Diorama (Bag End)

Here's another exciting new installment to our series of diorama making. In this tutorial we make a diorama of Bag End in the Shire from The Hobbit. This is a great project for diorama makers of all skill levels.

You just need a few basic supplies and you can improvise all kinds of things. We ended up putting this diorama into a little hobbit terrarium.

The golden base of this diorama is the One Ring.

This little diorama is going into a big glass bowl as part of a hobbit terrarium

The completed hobbit diorama


cut out a circle

First, start by cutting out a base for the diorama. Use a piece of flat foam board and cut out a circle. For this one we use a base that is roughly 6 inches in diameter. Paint your base a goldish color. Here we used the gold to represent the one ring.

glue the foam to the board

Now, cut a circle about a quarter inch smaller in diameter out of a thicker piece of foam board in order to start forming the hill.

carve the foam

Shape this piece of foam board using anything you like. Make a concave shape on one side of the piece of foam for the front of the diorama. Round, this piece off such that the hill makes the shape of a crescent moon.

insert the hobbit house

Next, take some card stock in order to make the front of Bilbo's house. Simply draw the shape and design of the front of the house. Then cut it and glue it to the front of the hill. You can also go back and paint this later on if you feel as though you need to bring the colors out more.

Paint it green

Now, it's time to add some terrain. Paint your base colors on the foam board piece you just shaped.

sprinkle on terrain

Mix white glue with water to make it really wet. Apply this to the outside and lightly sprinkle on some terrain. For this one we used different color terrains to give it a more realistic feel, however this is optional.


Add thicker terrain

Take some thicker terrain, dip it in your mixture, and apply the terrain in different places of your diorama in order to make bushes.


Here's part 2 of the Hobbit Diorama Tutorial

Little Red Riding Hood Diorama - You have got to see this diorama. It was made by a web visitor. And she uses a lot of standard diorama making techniques like trees, terrain, rocks and waterfall. The Little Red Riding Hood Diorama.


Will's Book

How to Make Fantasy and Medieval Dioramas

This books shows you how to make fantasy and medieval dioramas using many commonly available tools and materials. There are over 100 pictures and illustrations showing you how to make great dioramas in fantasy and medieval styles. Chapters include basics, water effects, terrain tips and special effects like electricity and small motors. Tutorials include how to use foam, plaster of paris and paper mache to make great looking dioramas.


Scenery for Model Railroads, Dioramas & Miniatures

Transform your models from mundane to magnificent with expert proven techniques using the latest materials and methods. Ample photographs and step-by-step recipe cards make it simple to make your modelling scenes look just like real life. Learn how to create realistic mountains, trees, streams, grass, rocks, bushes and more, using inexpensive and easy-to-find materials.

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