The Hobbit Diorama (Bag End)
Here's part 2 of the Hobbit Diorama tutorial. In this part we add some wonderful details like tall grass, stone walk and flowers. We finish it off.
use some paint in order to create the cobblestone steps of bilbo's house.
Paint it nice and thick so that they look more like stones. If you want to
paint the doors to color them in more now would be a good time to do it.
add some grass. Brush on some of your glue mixture and sprinkle some grass
terrain. For this we use an electro-static flocker in order to make the
grass stand up. You can find a tutorial on how to do this here.
a little more detail and color now add some flowers the way you did the rest
of the terrain. Apply, a few spots of glue and sprinkle some of these tiny
colored beads.
to add a fence. Split some tooth picks in half and paint them brown. Stick
them into your diorama and then place a couple of tooth picks running
horizontally across.
As a side note if you do not have terrain to use you
can always make some from pencil shavings. Simply add a little water and
paint and mix every so often until it becomes a thick mass. You can find a
more extensive tutorial on how to do this here.
have completed the diorama! Now, on to your adventures exploring middle
Here's where you can go back to
part 1 of the Hobbit Diorama Tutorial
How to Make Fantasy and Medieval Dioramas
This books shows you how to make fantasy and medieval dioramas using many commonly available tools and materials. There are over 100 pictures and illustrations showing you how to make great dioramas in fantasy and medieval styles. Chapters include basics, water effects, terrain tips and special effects like electricity and small motors. Tutorials include how to use foam, plaster of paris and paper mache to make great looking dioramas.
Scenery for Model Railroads, Dioramas & Miniatures
Transform your models from mundane to magnificent with expert proven techniques using the latest materials and methods. Ample photographs and step-by-step recipe cards make it simple to make your modelling scenes look just like real life. Learn how to create realistic mountains, trees, streams, grass, rocks, bushes and more, using inexpensive and easy-to-find materials.

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