The Spanish Cafe Diorama
Will walked a 500 mile pilgrimage right across the whole country of Spain. Frank thought of the idea to make a diorama of a Spanish house cafe in honor of this accomplishment. Check it out here: The Spanish House cafe diorama

The Book Nook Diorama
A book nook is something that has always fascinated me. It is a wonderful and curious project. I haven't made one yet.... But Frank has made one. Check it out right here.
 The English coal mine Diorama
A diorama like this I always find very fascinating and interesting because it is built in a unique way when it comes to space and layout. This one let's us see the above ground stuff and it also allows us to see what it going on underground. Great idea and great diorama! Check it out here 
The Afghanistan Diorama
Frank has scratch built this diorama of a scene in Afghanistan. Check it out right here.

Frank's Garage
People love dioramas of garages. There are a lot of reasons including nostalgia and love of automobiles. It's a fun project Frank made: Check it out here.

The Waterfall encampment
In times of War you might stumble upon a beautiful spot where nature is undisturbed. It's the perfect opportunity to take a little break. This diorama is called "The Waterfall Encampment" Check it out here.

Tudor House and Garden
This wonderful little diorama shows you how with just a few basic supplies and some creativity you can achieve all sorts of textures and looks in a diorama.
The Tudor House and Garden
Australian Outback Farm
Did you ever wonder what a farm in the Australian outback looks like? Well, here you go! Complete little scratch built diorama with a tractor, chickens and a water tower! The Australian Outback Farm Diorama

New: J & G Florist Shop
Here is a wonderful little diorama scene made from commonly found materials. The flower pots are beads! You should try something like this. Check out pictures of this idyllic little diorama scene here: J & G Florist Shop Diorama

German Mortar Team in the Snow
Did you ever think that bicarbonate of soda would make great snow in a diorama? Well, if you did then you are right! Frank uses it in this diorama. Amazing scene with a mortar team, bunker and half-track. Check it out right here: German Mortar Team in the Snow

Frank's tutorial on how to make rock-face walls easily
Excellent Frank has developed an easy process for making rock-face walls in dioramas. This is the process he uses in his dioramas. It is an easy four steps and you can learn how to do it here: How to make Rock-face walls.

Mail Call! 51st Highland Division Diorama
Excellent diorama with some nice detail work. Check it out here: Mail Call!

The German Field Kitchen
This is a nice little Tamiya diorama kit that comes with a field kitchen, wheeled cart, figures and some neat detail parts. Check it out here: The German Field Kitchen Diorama.

The English Water Mill Diorama
Here is another great diorama made by Frank. This one has a great layout and a great look. And it has water effects. But the big thing about this one is that Frank has figured out a very inexpensive way to make great looking water in a diorama. Check it out here: The English Water Mill Diorama.

The Before and After Automobile diorama
Frank has come up with this amazing idea of splitting a diorama in half so we can see the scene from two different periods of time. You can see this same concept in his 70 year diorama. He has returned to this concept in this terrific diorama of an automobile sitting in a driveway. Check out how the auto and the driveway have changed over time. The before and after automobile diorama

The 3-D Waterfall Shadowbox Diorama
This is a beautiful diorama depicting a walking bridge spanning over a waterfall and it has a three dimensional aspect in that it is bursting right out of the shadowbox. The 3d Waterfall Shadowbox Diorama

British Army Liberating a French Village -
Wonderful diorama with a lot of detail. Check out the pictures of it here. British Army on Patrol Liberating a French Village

The Backyard Farm
Wonderful diorama of a mini hobby farm in the backyard. It also has water, a dock and a couple of small sailboats. Just a fun and nostalgic diorama. Check out the pictures here. Looking for inspiration on making a diorama? This one might be the one to inspire you :) The Backyard Farm

Franks New Workshop
Wouldn't it be great to have a dedicated area to your hobby? Well, Frank has one. And it has a really neat idea for storing tools and paints. Check it out here

The Alps
Another wonderful diorama in the form of a shadow box. This one is called "The Alps" And it is a nostalgic scene of an old automobile traveling one of those narrow roads in the Alps and going over a bridge : The Alps shadowbox diorama

The Castle
Here is a terrific little diorama of a castle. It is well designed and has a really nice layout. And the best thing about this little castle is the textures of the stonework and the roofs. See more picture and learn how frank did those textures here: The miniature Castle diorama

This Old House
Another fun diorama made by Frank. It depicts a home that has long been neglected. Seems to me there might be ghosts in there! Check it out here.

The Ruined Church Diorama
Another great diorama. It depicts a portion of a ruined church and a small graveyard. Check it out here.

British SAS Diorama
Nice little desert themed diorama featuring a Jeep and a water well. I like it! Check it out here: The British SAS Diorama

Frank's Worshop
Thinking about setting up a nice little area for you to do your hobby work? Frank has done it! Check it out for ideas: Frank's Workshop

Spring in the Alps Shadow Box Diorama
I love shadowboxes. They are so unique. Frank has made a wonderful one and you can check it out right here: Spring in the Alps

The Water Wheel Diorama
I love dioramas with water effects. And Frank has done an amazing job with this one. He used a lot of common materials to make it including the water and the waterfall. Check it out here.

The 70 year diorama
This diorama expresses a great idea. How has a place changed ove the course of 70 years? This is one diorama in two halves and each half shows the same place at a different period in time. The 70 Year Diorama

The Battle of Long Tan Monument
This was a battle between Australian forces and the Viet Cong at the Long Tan Rubber Plantation. There is a monument to the battle and Frank has reproduced it here. Check out more information and a bigger picture The Battle of Long Tan Monument

The French Cafe Diorama
Here is a hand made diorama of a street scene in Paris and a neat thing about this diorama is that the street lights actually light up. Check it out here: The French Cafe Diorama
WWI diorama (Trench Warfare)Here Frank has had a lot of fun making this diorama including hand making a wall and arch. Check out bigger pictures here

Frank's second diorama
Here Frank has had a lot of fun making this diorama including hand making a wall and arch. Check out bigger pictures here

Frank's Hand Made Diorama
Here is a neat military diorama made by Frank. It is all hand-made and it cost him a total of five dollars. Check it out here.
Will's Book on Diorama Making

How to Make Fantasy and Medieval Dioramas
This books shows you how to make fantasy and medieval dioramas using many commonly available tools and materials. There are over 100 pictures and illustrations showing you how to make great dioramas in fantasy and medieval styles. Chapters include basics, water effects, terrain tips and special effects like electricity and small motors. Tutorials include how to use foam, plaster of paris and paper mache to make great looking dioramas. |