A Russian Front Diorama
This is a military diorama of the Russian front during WW II. It was made by Tom M. And my thanks go to him for submitting the pics and information. It is a great example of how you can make a military diorama with a little bit of creativity!
Some things I like about this diorama are the creative use of materials like foam for the German bunker, the bits of foam for the rocks and the use of cotton balls for explosions. I also like the added touch of the little spent 22 shells that look like artillery rounds.
Here is what Tom has to say about making this diorama:
Hi, Will. Here's another 1/72 - 1/76WW2 diorama I did. It's the Russian front and it's 5 russians charging 3 german soldiers. I painted all 8 figures myself with acrylic paint. The Germans are from airfix and the Russians from Marx. I used cork to make rubble, woodland scenics burnt grass static grass flock, woodland scenics field grass (harvest gold, natural straw, light green), soil off the ground (why spend money?), woodland scenics fall foliage, and woodland scenics fine yellow turf. The tree on the far right is a twig off the ground, the wall and bunker are styrofoam, copper wire painted silver for barbed wire, and cotton spraypainted orange for the explosion and fire. Toothpicks and popsicle sticks for the shattered fence. I went outside and found moss on the ground for the weeds all over, and i used spent .22 shells for used artillery shells. The diorama took me about a week to finish. all the accessories are from the sherman tank i mentioned in the first diorama i sent you (i never finished it so i took them off).

Resources and More

WWII Dioramas (Modelling Manuals)
Still the most popular subject for dioramas at any military modelling show, WWII gives the modeller the opportunity to try out his repertoire from burnt out buildings to weathered machines and men. This book explores the many facets of the subject and shows how composition is all.
A perfect combination of easy-to-follow text combined with comprehensive step-by-step photography make Osprey Modelling Manuals indispensable reference guides for modellers of all standards and abilities.

How to Build Dioramas - Learn everything you need to know about making your dioramas look real! This fantastic revised edition will show you how with new projects, new photos, and expert tips. Includes painting, weathering, and detailing tips for figures, aircraft, vehicles, and more! 290+ photos with color throughout; 41 illus.; softcover