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Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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contribute projects or ideas you can contact me Will

Pitch Mine Diorama

I am traveling around America. Visiting all 48 states and seeing a lot of sights. And during my travels I often find dioramas of different types. This Coal mine diorama is one of them.

This diorama is in the Anthracite Heritage Musuem in Scranton Pennsylvania. It shows the process of pitch mining which is used in steep slopes and gravity is used to move the coal.






This diorama inspired me to make a project that you can make too:

Make a Dungeon Diorama Book

It is an easy to make dungeon using foamboard and foam. And it folds up just like a book. You can make one with unlimited rooms and potential. Make a Dungeon Diorama Book.


Waterfall in a diorama

A Waterfall in a diorama

Actually pretty easy to make a great looking waterfall if you know the right tools and techniques. I have it right here: Make a waterfall in a diorama


Easy Diorama Water Tutorial

New: Make Diorama Water with Elmer's Glue Gel -

No more concerns about getting specialized materials to make terrific water effects in a diorama. I use two Elmer's products to make a River, a Waterfall, a babbling stream and a lake. The diorama I make is Ponce de Leon and the Fountain of Youth.