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Gift Diorama

This is a neat diorama that was made as a gift. I really like the presentation of it. Quite unique. It exemplifies a good diorama but also shows something that I talk about all the time - The case or container of the diorama can very much enhance the diorama itself!

This diorama was made by Leonie.

You might want to check out more work on website here: http://www.estudioartesano.es/


This is a gift diorama and one of the great things about something like this is that everything can be personalized. All the various objects inside this diorama have significance to the recipient of the gift. You can tailor the diorama to the various things that the recipient likes or that the recipient does.

Here is a look inside.

Here is the diorama packaged up in a gift box.



The Battle of Grunwald

I love everything medieval and I love everything diorama. So, you can imagine how crazy I am about this medieval diorama. It is the Battle of Grunwald


The Medieval Village

I build a complete medieval village. This is an extensive project. And it is automated in that the buildings have lights and the water wheel for the mill really turns. Fun medieval project.


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