Diorama Man


Make a Dragon Egg Diorama


This is a tutorial on how to make a diorama inside a dragon egg. I show you how to make the various parts of the diorama and I also show you how to make the actual dragon egg.

I also give you a few variations on how to make the shell of the egg.

There is a youtube video along with this tutorial. You can watch it at the bottom of the page.





Egg diorama

Don't have a dragon egg? Or don't want to make one? I have a cute little tutorial where you make a diorama inside a regular old chicken egg. Check it out here: Make a diorama inside an egg.





Thinking about making a project like this? A web visitor has done it (Shelby) And it came out spectacular! Check out lots of pictures and information on how Shelby made this project right here: Shelby's Eragon Dragon Egg Diorama









Materials and Tools Needed for this project:

  • You can improvise and substitute a lot of these materials
  • A square foot of some kind of foam for carving the foam egg
  • Various tiny bits of foam for the castle and village
  • Cotton balls or fake snow (buffalo snow)
  • Paper and red/white spray paint for the burning backgrounds and flames
  • Green terrain texture for the grass (optional)
  • Medium terrain texture for the trees and bushes (optional)
  • Some paint brushes and a variety of acrylic paints like black, brown, gray, white
  • An origami dragon. You can get the folding instructions here: www.origami-instructions.com


Draw the egg shape

Let's Begin! Start out with some foam. Most types of carvable foam will do. Draw out your egg to the size and shape that you want. This egg is approximately seven inches tall and six inches wide.







The point for us here is that we want to get a cube of foam that is the size of our egg. I glued together three layers of foam sheet. Each layer is two inches thick so we have a six inch thick cube. And it is seven inches in height.





Carve and re draw lines

Carve away at the foam using any variety of tools including a saw, knife or hot wire foam cutter. And as you carve the lines you drew will disappear. You can just keep redrawing those lines.








Rasp and sand to shape

Finish off the shape of the egg with a rasp and or sandpaper.








Cut out the insideNow mark off and cut out a window in the egg. This is where all the scenery will go. This one goes about two inches deep into the egg.







NextOk! The egg is done. Now let's make all the scenery that goes inside





Will's Book on Diorama Making

How to Make Fantasy and Medieval Dioramas

This books shows you how to make fantasy and medieval dioramas using many commonly available tools and materials. There are over 100 pictures and illustrations showing you how to make great dioramas in fantasy and medieval styles. Chapters include basics, water effects, terrain tips and special effects like electricity and small motors. Tutorials include how to use foam, plaster of paris and paper mache to make great looking dioramas.


How about making a Plaster of Paris egg? A web visitor submitted this terrific technique for making them. Make a Plaster of Paris dragon egg.






Make a Dragon Skin Mug

Want to drink your mead out of something very medieval? How about making your mug out of dragon skin? Well, it's not real dragon skin but it looks like it! Make a Dragon Skin Mug




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Will's Big Diorama Projects


Types of Dioramas to Make


Plastic Models


Check out the Diorama and Miniature store

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My Youtube Channel


All Materials, unless otherwise stated are Copyright©2001-2015
Kalif Publishing and StormtheCastle.com

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