Make a Diorama in a Dragon Egg - Part 3
In this part of the tutorial we finish off the scenery inside the egg and we do the outside of the egg. I show you several variations for the outside. Part 1 (along with a video) is here

Now it is just a mattter of putting it all together and touching up with some details.
Here you can see we first glued in the billowy smoke (buffalo snow). We have glued in the castle with soem flames and there on the right we are putting in a couple of small foam buildings that are also smoky and on fire.

The only thing remaining in the scene is the dragon and the flames coming out of its mouth. We folded up the little origami dragon and the flames are the spray painted cotton balls. The dragon seems to be floating in mid air. You do this with a toothpick on the back side of him that is pressed into the background.
The flames are glued right into his mouth.
Making the Shell of the Egg

The only thing remaining is the shell of the egg. There are several ways to do this. The simplest thing to do is to emboss a scale pattern right into the foam using a ball point pen. Then paint it. This actually looks pretty darn good.

Then you can paint it all black and then dry brush on a color. In this picture we are dry brushing on a purple color.

Secondy you can glue on small pasta shells like this.

Then you paint them a color (dark green) and when that dries you dry brush on a lighter color (light green).

Finally you can use large head quilting tacks (These are the exact ones I bought on Amazon: Dritz Quilting Extra Large Head Thumb Tacks-65/Pkg. )
And that is it! Your Dragon Egg Diorama is complete! Nice job! If you make this project be sure to send me a picture. I will put it on my website.

Make a diora ma inside an egg
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Will's Book on Diorama Making
How to Make Fantasy and Medieval Dioramas
This books shows you how to make fantasy and medieval dioramas using many commonly available tools and materials. There are over 100 pictures and illustrations showing you how to make great dioramas in fantasy and medieval styles. Chapters include basics, water effects, terrain tips and special effects like electricity and small motors. Tutorials include how to use foam, plaster of paris and paper mache to make great looking dioramas.