Battlefields in Miniature
Master terrain modeler Paul Davies takes the reader through the process of creating a visually appealing yet practical terrain system. First the techniques of making the basic landscape are explained, then a series of projects show how this can be adapted to suit different periods or geographic locations (eg European farmland or Sudanese desert). There are then detailed chapters on adding vegetation, buildings, roadways, trench systems etc. The clear, step-by-step instructions are clearly illustrated by numerous specially-taken photographs of the work in progress and Paul's inspirational finished pieces.

Building and Detailing Model Aircraft (FineScale Modeler Books)
You will learn how to master construction and finishing of plastic model aircraft with basic skills such as assembling aligning, gluing, surface preparation, painting, and decaling. Then you will be able to add extra details and use more advanced techniques.

Essential Skills for Scale Modelers (FineScale Modeler Books) Beginning scale modelers need a basic set of skills that they can build on as they continue through the hobby. Essential Skills for Scale Modelers, written by FineScale Modeler's Aaron Skinner, lays the foundation needed to build, paint, weather, and display all types of models. This technique-driven how-to book contains a variety of projects that allow modelers to put their new found skills to use.

How to Use an Airbrush, Second Edition (FineScale Modeler Books)
Included are 12 projects covering common problems areas and applications such as detailing a simple snap-together kit, mastering a factory-fresh automotive surface, drawing camouflage patterns, adding dirt and rust, adding complex color schemes, and more.

Building Dioramas
Acclaimed modeler Chris Mrosko explains how to build dioramas that showcase models and create dramatic scenes, as well as offering expert modeling tips. Focusing on a step-by-step, how-to approach, modelers will learn the fundamentals of construction and design, airbrushing and finishing tips, how to cast pieces out of resin, and more. The ideal reference for modelers who want to expand their skills and do more with their models. A variety of step-by-step projects that range from Saving Private Ryan to modern global conflicts. Modelers will learn how to create wedgie dioramas to showcase figures.

The Airfix Book of Scale Modelling
Airfix is an iconic brand, with a wide range of models that include aircraft, ships, cars, and historical dioramas. This manual, produced in full collaboration with Airfix and Humbrol, is the ultimate modeler's guide. It covers techniques for all aspects of model making, from basic construction to applying decals and custom paint to super-detailing and customizing standard kits. Readers learn creative fixes for common challenges, even as they celebrate one of the hobby's most popular names.

How to Build Dioramas
Learn everything you need to know about making your dioramas look real! This fantastic revised edition will show you how with new projects, new photos, and expert tips. Includes painting, weathering, and detailing tips for figures, aircraft, vehicles, and more! 290+ photos with color throughout; 41 illus.; softcover.

Advanced Terrain Modelling (Modelling Masterclass)
The secrets of top-class terrain modelling are revealed and demonstrated by Richard Windrow, one of the world's leading diorama modellers, in this new addition to the successful Masterclass series. Everything from medieval castles to the destruction wrought upon modern cities by war is covered in this wide-ranging and accessible approach. Explore the difficulties of creating an effective desert environment from the sandstone of Arizona to the wastelands of North Africa. Discover the delicate handiwork needed to create the barbed wire death traps of No-Man's Land and the frozen wilderness of Russia in winter.

Armour Modelling (Modelling Masterclass)
This book sets out to answer a wide range of modelers' 'how-to' questions. It begins by showing all the things that need to be done to build a first model. Paints, glues, knives and other basic tools are introduced. Then it moves on to the use of accessories - etched metal sets, turned metal gun barrels, and simple resin conversions. Here the more specialised tools, such as those made for work with etched metal, are discussed. The book includes sections covering working safely with resin, adding camouflage finishes by brush, spray can and airbrush, and ways of reproducing the German anti-magnetic Zimmerit finish that troubles many modellers. The various types of replacement tank tracks are shown with ways to build and paint them, and the different challenges of modeling wheeled vehicles are also addressed.

The Paint Guide for Figures of World War Two
A beautifully assembled kit is always enhanced by the presence of a well-painted figurine. This statement has become a profession of faith for the author of this book, Joaquin Garcia Guazquez, one of the world's armored modeling elite; here he has chosen to give us the benefit of his experience painting figurines from WWII, the supreme period for military modeling. Very instructively, using a lot of photographs, and step by step he explains how to paint a successful figurine, from the choice of tools, from the work area to the preparation of the figurine, painting the flesh parts, the uniforms and the accessories, etc. This is required reading, intended to guide you and inspire you when painting figurines to go with your next armored vehicle or action-packed scene.

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